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Author and Editor

Just Like Mother

In Stores May 17, 2022


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"Flooded with visceral dread from the first scene and never letting up, Heltzel's tale will disturb readers to their core." —Library Journal

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About Me

In addition to Just Like Mother, I have written and ghostwritten nearly a dozen other books for people of all ages (many under pseudonyms). I moved to New York City in 2006 to enter an MFA program at The New School, and from there got my first job in publishing, at a literary agency. Now in addition to writing books, I work as an editorial director at Abrams Books, where I specialize in entertainment publishing and content development in the children's division. I recently relocated from Brooklyn to an old house in the Hudson Valley with my partner (he is also a horror writer!) and our hyperactive cattle dog.

My Books
Praise for Just Like Mother

“A fast-paced, creepy, and unpredictable adventure that shines an unsettling light on motherhood and family ties...Just Like Mother smoothly blends horror and thriller elements while adding a sharp commentary on corrupted feminism.”



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